Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Richmond: It's Like San Marcos on Steroids

Edgar and I have been trying for weeks to come up with the perfect phrase to describe Richmond, our new hometown. As we were lazing by the Thames River this past weekend...which happens to be a 5 minute walk from our just popped into my head...Richmond-It's Like San Marcos on Steroids...

Most of you know that Edgar and I met at the beautiful Southwest Texas State Univeristy, where a river runs through it...the San Marcos river that is. We love San Marcos so much and think fondly of our years there. It is so perfect for us now that we once again live next to a river. Granted it's not spring-fed and you don't see any tubers floating around, but you are free to have a drink while sitting on the grass watching everyone walk by. There are pubs and cafes all along the river front and you can walk for miles on the paths that line the shore. Many people rent canoes while others catch a ride on one of the shuttle type boats that will take you up and down the river, dropping off at various historical royal palaces along the way.

Ah yes, the canoes. Seems like such a romantic idea...having your special someone row you along while you sit back and gaze into his eyes. Uh, yeah...we still haven't rented a canoe as we think it may be a repeat of another seemingly romantic jaunt from a visit in Chicago. If you've ever been to Chicago in the summertime, you may have seen the quad bikes that are rented to cycle along the lakefront. Looks like so much fun until you actually do has no gears...and the lakefront path is at a sharp 45 degree angle for most of the ride. We wondered why so many of the people returning the bikes did not have the same happy, smiley faces as they did when they left. Five minutes into the ride and we understood. If you don't hang on tightly to the bike, you may just tumble out the side and into the lake. If you are the driver, it takes all your strength to keep the wheel straight, and everyone is charged with pedaling.

The Thames has a pretty strong current and it is quite comical to watch the big burly men attempt to paddle against the current headed upstream and then 30 minutes later you see the lady in the driver's seat very gracefully gliding back down the river with little to no effort. We may try it later, when there aren't so many people crowding the shoreline ready to laugh at us when we collide with a bridge or another boat (we have been those laughing people, trust me).

While there is definately no place like San Marcos, Richmond is proving to be a most perfect place to live. We love it and are so happy our relocation agent brought us here "if only to discount it". We can't imagine having discounted this place and look forward to 2 (or 3) more years of lounging riverside.


Flo said...

You are such a wonderful writer. I can picture everything so well, I close my eyes and I can see it all. Hope to read about more of your adventures. I am so glad that you both like living in Richmond.


Anonymous said...

Your stories let us all share in your excitement of your new adventure in life. Sounds like you and Edgar are really enjoying London! Keep the stories going....

Love ya..

Aunt Rhonda

Anonymous said...

vonda, are you sure you are my niece? you are so smart, but you take after your aunt brenda. i am so happy that yall are having so much fun, be safe and happy, and keep the stories coming. you need to write a book. but that's what you are doing now!!! love ya aunt brenda and kelly

eucardo said...

Que disfruten su estadia en Londres ,

