Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Manchester Player's Got Mad Skills

*Please be sure to click the hyperlinks below for important info...ladies, especially.

So I decided since I am now living in Europe, I should become a football fan...the kind of football with two nets and a round ball...and since I live in England, perhaps I should root for an English football team. I know nothing about who is who, so I just plucked a team out of the air...Chelsea... and if it wasn't my luck that they made it to the semi-finals of the European Champions's kind of like the run-up to the Superbowl, if only Canada and Mexico had teams. Unfortunately, I found out that the coach is pretty much a jerk, so I decided to change my loyalty...Chelsea wound up getting beaten by Liverpool anyways, so no big loss on my part.

Now, I am a Manchester United fan. They have alot of great players that I recognized from the World Cup in 2006. They also made it to the semi-finals, playing against Milan (Italy). I am mostly impressed with the player named Cristiano Ronaldo. He has got mad skills. Edgar tells me that he is one of the best players in the world, is very talented, and dribbles the ball very well. Sounds like a winner to me! I guess I can overlook his slightly inflated ego, as evident in a recent quote, "Maybe people don't like me because I am too good." It's hard to tell if that is his ego or if it was lost in translation, as he is Portuguese and English is not his native language...and if anyone can understand lost in translation, it's me!

I am sad to report that Manchester United lost to Milan tonight. They are now out of the running for the European World Champions trophy. I know you are crying....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure it was lost in translation. It can not be his ego. Sorry your team lost. You are having so much fun. Have fun for me too. Brody says he is going to be that talented one day. Wait a minute, he already is. Uncle Edgar should be proud.