Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Why is it still cold????

I so thought that we had made it through the worst of the winter...which wasn't all that bad to tell the truth. It is March afterall. We went to Kew Gardens yesterday with the Wharton family. The sun was absolutely shining and the sky was bright blue. The air was a little crisp, but nothing unbearable. All of the trees are beginning to bloom, the cherry blossoms blossomed several weeks agao, and the daffodils started smiling late February. Just when I'm ready for the return of tree sap all over the car...BAM...the arctic blast blows in. Well, maybe not arctic, but freezing nonetheless. Please, please, please, let this pass quickly!

Why do people always want to know if you are a cold or warm weather person? Why does it have to be the extreme? I don't particularly like being freezing cold or smotheringly hot. Why can't I just be a nice, normal, pleasant weather person? But I guess with all things, it's the extremes that make you appreciate life. An extreme heartbreak to appreciate a loving relationship, extreme distance to make you appreciate even a few hours spent with loved ones, and extreme cold to make you appreciate even hints of a warm breeze. Our friends in Southern California, where the weather is always perfect, were asked what it was like to always have such beautiful weather and such a great temperature all the time. They said it was boring...nothing ever changed. I guess sometimes you just have to shake things up bit to keep it interesting.


Bill, Shaila and Brody said...

We are asking ourselves that same question. It was 70 yesterday & 30 today. We had the air on last nite. Stay warm.

Love, Shaila

Anonymous said...

We had snow this last week. Can you believe it about 1 inch. Didn't last long. Suppose to be 85 tomorrow just never know in Texas what you are going to wake up to. Love Mom