Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Friday, June 08, 2007

A Tisket-A Tasket-60 Balls in a Basket

You may recall me referring to my friend Charlie as my "golf buddy" and that she really likes to play golf. Well, when I say she really likes to play, I mean she REALLY likes to play. In fact, she's a pro! I don't just mean she's really good...I'm talking professionally good...she was one of Annika Sorenstam's teammates on the LPGA tour! So when she offered me a trade off of watching her boys for about an hour in exchange for a lesson, you better believe I took her up on it. Although I think she may have had the harder end of the deal, considering I had never even picked up a golf club.

So this morning we headed out to the Richmond Park driving range where I was poised to reveal my golf undiscovered talent...or maybe I could just make contact with the ball and be very proud of myself. We got a basket of 60 balls and the lesson started. I learned all about the grip, alignment, and proper swing. We started with baby steps...little half swings without the ball. Then, when I felt comfortable with that, she put a ball on the the tee in front of me. I was so nervous! To my utter surprise, I hit the ball on the first try!!! I couldn't believe it! After a while, she taught me the full swing, I did a few practice swings, and then the real deal. I hit it again with the full swing!

It was only my first day, and I didn't know anything about golf before today, but I think I did pretty good! I only missed the ball a few times, mostly when I was concentrating to hard and not relaxing. I hit some pretty straight and I even got some 100 yarders. I just loved it when I hit it perfectly and it had this nice hollow sound as it made contact and then it flew into a nice arch. She says I have a natural swing and did very good for my first try...even that I should practice more and pursue it! But I guess I shouldn't be surprised at my successful lesson...I was in very good hands and knew if anyone could teach me, it would be Charlie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the successful lesson! Maybe you can keep practicing and then we'll see you on TV!!
Love ya!