Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's Fall Already?'s officially cold. Edgar had to issue a wimp alert on me because I wanted to turn on the radiator. For those of you who may know some of my wardrobe staples, I have pulled out the green Taos, New Mexico sweatshirt from Spring Break 1997 (WOO HOO!). Unfortunately, I had to bury the grey joggers that had been with me from the 8th grade. They were my favorite, but were so thin, they ceased doing their job of keeping me warm.
I don't think I'll get the hot chocolate out just yet, though. According to, it's supposed to almost hit 80 this weekend. I love the changing seasons. I love having four distinct seasons, instead of just 2-hot and not hot. But I have to say that no matter how much I like this, my threshold for bitter winters stands at 2. After that, it's get me back to Texas-just give me an air conditioner and a swimming pool and I'll be just fine.

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