Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! This is our second year in a row to miss the big family gathering at my parents' house...that means no dressing from Mom or perfectly sliced turkey from Dad or delicious desserts from my sister. It also means I will not be able to hug my favorite family members and watch the Dallas Cowboys while everyone snores away their turkey hangover. BUT...I think this may be the last year we are all apart, so that makes me feel better.

I have decided that I don't care if it's only Edgar and I this Thanksgiving, I am still going to make a feast. I decided against the Stovetop Stuffing so graciously shipped over from Julie and Jonathan, and instead will be making homemade stuffing using the cornmeal they sent. It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without homemade stuffing. I will also be preparing turkey (0f course), sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, broccoli and cheese, deviled eggs, and pumpkin pie.

Thanks to the magic of technology, I will at least get to see everyone via Skype. If we can get things working just right, we may actually all eat together-their lunch and our dinner because of the time difference. But with our faces right there on the screen occupying a spot at the table, it will feel just like we're all together!

It's probably too late to join us, but you can still make it for leftovers if you leave right now!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was just great getting to prepare all our favorite dishes together via skype and to share such a special day with you end Edgar. Looking forward to next month and can't wait to see you. Love Mom