Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Eagles Have Landed

Safe and sound. It took them quite a while to get through customs and we were starting to get worried. But just before I was about to call in the troops, there they appeared through the swinging doors of Arrivals. After a welcome cocktail, Mom headed straight for bed (not related to the cocktail), I cooked lunch, and Edgar, I and Dad ate and had great conversation. Dad said he was going to stay awake to help him through the time change. He is now snoozing on the couch. I know how they feel and will let them sleep as long as they need to. This is going to be a great month!!! I still can't believe they are here!


Anonymous said...

yea!! It's good to know they made it in one piece. They look pretty much like they did when they left my house! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow. I hope you have a wonderful time with your parents. It will certainly be an experience for Judy and Larry. I hope all goes well and that your time is full of joy! Tell your mom and dad I hope they have a great visit and a safe return home.
Cousin Anna

Bill, Shaila and Brody said...

I am glad you made it safe & sound. I know Vonda & Edgar are going to show you a great time. You can give me pointers for my trip across the pond. Have fun.

LOve, Shaila, Bill & Brody

Bill, Shaila and Brody said...
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