Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

They're On Their Way!

My mom and dad will be here tomorrow!!! Their flight takes off today at 3:30pm Austin time and they will be here tomorrow morning 9:35am London time. I am so excited!!! They will be here for a month and I have so many great things planned. The biggest of which is a trip through Ireland and France.

I am busy cleaning and getting everything ready for them. Pretty soon I will make the grocery store trek. How I hate going there on the weekends...maybe I'll wait until the evening when things have calmed down a bit.

I'll have lots of fun posts in the next month. I can't wait to revisit all the wonder that goes into seeing something for the first time, being in a brand new place, and seeing things that you have only previously seen in books or on TV. It's always fun to have people over who have never visited this side of the world. The little quirky differences become commonplace for Edgar and I and it's fun to watch someone else discover them again.

I hope to post quite often over the next month, but if I don't, you'll know why. Have a wonderful week!


On Our List said...

No fair...I want to be there too. Post lots of pictures so we can all see. Actually, how exciting for your parents. I bet you guys will have a great time.

Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

We know they are excited - it was fun to see them off today! Do keep us posted on all the fun - we love ya'll!
Valerie & Bryan