Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Inherit the Wind

I promised myself when 8 months ago that this wouldn't become the pregnancy blog. It's just that I'm to the point in my pregnancy now that we aren't really doing too much, so I feel quite boring! We are making a concerted effort to do more things around London since we are now homebound, and I'm hoping the postings on them will be a nice break from everything baby related (although I'm sure my 5 readers probably want it to be all baby, all the time).

On Thursday evening, we saw a play at the Old Vic Theater, just down the road from Waterloo Station. Inherit the Wind stars Kevin Spacey as a defense attorney for a young school teacher in 1925 Hillsboro, Tennessee-a very conservative, religious community-and is based on the real life "Scopes monkey trial". The teacher's crime was teaching Darwin's theory of evolution, a crime back in those days. It was a critically acclaimed movie in 1960 with Spencer Tracy as the famous defense attorney. Kevin Spacey did a very good job playing a very old man! We really believed he was about 80 years old, with his hunched shoulders, slight limp, and silver hair. It was only after final bows when he ran off stage that we remembered he isn't really old at all!

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