Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Little Shopping Trip

Before Edgar and I moved, my sister and I went on shopping sprees in Houston. I stocked up on clothes and everyday personal items. When we pulled up to the check out in WalMart, the guy asked if we had a tax-exempt card, because the only explanation for the massive quantities of toilet paper, paper towels and other things is that we must have been a non profit providing goods for those less fortunate. Does a crappy exchange rate make us less fortunate? Just kidding...I just laughed and explained to him I was moving to another country and stocking up on things from home. He asked, "They don't have toilet paper in London?" HA! I loved that one.

Everything lasted for a good amount of time. The toilet paper alone lasted for about 8 months! I was really happy that Sainsbury's (my grocery store) had Charmin when I ran out. But I had a small panic attack when I went back for a second round and they no longer sold it....WHY??? So, now I am using some other brand that you've never heard of. It's not too bad, but it's not Charmin.

I am on my last bit of deodorant (yes, I bought a year and half supply of deodorant), so I stopped in the aisle today. Apparently they are really into spray deodorants around here. They were about 75% of the selection. The remainder was the roll on kind. I can't stand that because it feels so sticky. They had a measely 3 kinds of solid sticks. Of course, that's what I prefer. They had 2 choices from Sure, and one from Dove. So I grabbed one of the Sure's and will hope for the best. Maybe it will last me until Christmas and I can stock up again in Texas.


Sonia said...

Do I need to mail you some tp? LOL Can't wait to see ya'll at Christmas!

Bill, Shaila and Brody said...

I can not believe that stuff lasted that long. We did good!!! I can not wait for you to come home at Christmas so we can go shopping again and we will shop for more that tp and such. Love, Shaila

Vonda & Edgar said...

Ya'll are so funny! Sonia, thanks for the offer. I never thought I would covet the fluffiness of Charmin! I think I'll try to hold out, though...I'm sure it will build character in the end (no pun intended), right?

Shaila, you better believe we're going to go shopping! I miss me some NY&C! And DSW ShoeWarehouse.

Anonymous said...

hey by the time christmas gets here i might be down a few more sizes - so i say, hey, i'm up for a shopping trip too! san marcos outlet mall, anyone?