Trip reports, ramblings, photos and videos from our life in Europe. Please feel free to send comments and keep me updated with your emails!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Week 30

The countdown is on. Is it already 30 weeks? I am still feeling great, and despite what I hear about the 3rd trimester woes, I'm sleeping and feeling the best I've felt my entire pregnancy. I owe this to several things, I think. First, it took me 30 weeks, but I have finally figured out my pillow situation...which ones to use and where exactly to put them. Edgar is very thankful that I have reduced the number of pillows from 5 to 3. Secondly, I have switched from sipping on water throughout the night to Gatorade (a trick learned from Amber). The water just goes straight through and the Gatorade takes a little longer to process. With this, I have managed to stretch my sleep from 2 hour increments to 4 and sometimes 5 hours! Third, the pregnancy yoga classes have stretched some of my more annoying aches and pains away. Lastly, we are starting to get deliveries of the essential items we have ordered to make our little baby safe and snuggly when he arrives...part of the nesting process I guess.

Edgar is a champ. With only 4 months remaining here in the UK, he began the process to obtain his UK driver's license, just so he can drive me to the hospital. This really eases my mind and is something I'm sure he would rather not be spending his time on right now. This past week, he passed the written portion of the test and will now just need to pass the driving portion in a few weeks. I'm so proud and appreciative of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your looking great little mama. Yes the nesting process has started and so has the excitement that you are beginning to feel before the baby gets here along with all the anticipation that comes with it. Edgar we are proud of you and can't wait to see ya'll. Love mom